Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dear Weight-Loss Ad Banner People,

I find it strange that you don't seem to get the implications of a "before-and-after" advertisement. Yes, the enormously overweight person in the first picture could stand to lose some, er, a lot of weight. And, yes, the person in the second picture clearly takes care of herself. Yet, it doesn't have much impact since the two people are not the same person. That's the basic idea of a B&A ad: you can show the successful results of a product, service, or in your case... what are you selling, anyway? Oh, whom am I kidding? I don't care what you're selling; I just want you to stop imagining I'm so stupid as to purposely click on your scam ad. I don't think so! You can't help me lose weight! If I'm not angry enough that all my shirts are starting to wear through on the sides from rubbing on the arms of my chair, then you don't stand a chance. You think I like having to put pillows under the mattress so the indentation isn't so deep I get stuck in it? Of course not! But I can only blame myself and anyone who makes more money than I do. As soon as they are willing to pay for me to have a licensed physician assess my health, I'm sure things will turn around. Until then, though, you need to stick to honest advertising.

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